NDIS Plan Management Experts
Get real-time access to the latest information about your plans and claims with our automated monthly statements and client portal. You can easily grant access to your family, support coordinators, and representatives with just one click, so everyone stays informed.
With all the information you need at your fingertips, you can track your claims and make informed decisions about your plans and budget.

Benefits of using a Plan Manager
- You get support from a team of experienced professionals
- We guide you step by step through the process
- We organise FAST payments and records on your behalf and treat your providers as valued clients
- You can keep track of your funding through our dashboard
- We help you build knowledge in managing your plan so you can work with your providers in full confidence
- It’s FREE to use – The NDIS can include funding to pay for your plan manager. This budget is separate from your other NDIS services and supports. Why not take advantage of having a plan manager and get the most from your NDIS funds?
What Is NDIS Plan Management?
Why Choose Your Plan Manager

Simple & Transparent
We have fast payments and easy processes to manage claims and complete the administration required for your NDIS funds – so you, your family, carers and support team can avoid getting tied up in admin, and spend more time on improving wellbeing and reaching your goals.

Fast Payments
We work hard to ensure your providers are paid within 3-5 business days. Our Provider Payments Team upload and claim all in one go to ensure fast and efficient results.

Choice & Control
While we can connect you to a vast network of registered and unregistered providers, we understand that no one knows your needs and goals better than you and your team.
That’s why we empower you with choice and control, meaning that we don’t tell you what to do or what to buy. Instead we provide quality guidance and access to decision making tools and expert advice.

Focus on Human Connections
We understand it can be especially frustrating having to explain your situation every time you pick up the phone. That’s why we have a system that keeps details of your preferences and needs.
We also offer choice in your service. For some, it’s a dedicated point of contact for the life of your plan, someone who will guide you every step of your journey – to celebrate the wins with you, and provide support when you need it most.
For others, who are more confident or further in the journey, we have a group of skilled experts ready to answer the questions when you need them. Either way it is your choice.

Australia Wide Service
We provide service across all Australian States and Territories with an unwavering dedication to best practice support.
Our friendly team is available Monday to Friday from 9AM to 5PM. We work on AEST hours, however, we also have a friendly out of hours reception for messages, or you can email us or leave a message outside these hours.
We also have a great messenger service, right on our website. Leave your details and we will get back to you super fast!
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