What Is NDIS Plan Management
For those of you who are familiar with the NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme), you will know that the NDIS provides a way of delivering funds to eligible people living with a disability. This allows participants to get the support they need to live a better life, whether it be through certain services or purchasing consumables.
To put it simply, NDIS Plan Management is the way your funding from the NDIS plan is managed. Each time you make a purchase using your NDIS funds, those purchases have to follow the rules and guidelines set by the NDIS, so that your spending can be accounted for. When these rules and guidelines aren’t followed it can delay important services.
Different ways to manage your plan
There are actually three different ways you can manage your NDIS plan. Each of these methods makes a different person responsible for managing your funds and come with their own pros and cons. Let’s take a deeper look into the types of plan managing.


Agency Managed

Plan Managed
1. Self-Managed
As the name suggests, Self-Managed is for you if you are someone who wants full control over their NDIS funds. It leaves you responsible for paying providers and managing the paperwork and administration involved.
Advantages of being Self-Managed
- You have direct access and control over your funding
- You are able to use registered or non-registered service providers
- You are not tied to the NDIS Price Guide
Disadvantages of being Self-Managed
- You take full responsibility for managing your funds and claiming from the NDIS
- You are responsible for keeping financial records of all invoices and receipts for 5 years in case you are audited
- You will need to open a separate bank account that is only used for your NDIS funds
2. Agency Managed
Agency Managed plans are managed directly by the NDIA (National Disability Insurance Agency) and registered service providers will bill the NDIA directly.
Advantages of Agency Managed
- You do not have to keep track of your spending
- You are able to check the claims made from your providers through the NDIS Myplace Portal
Disadvantages of Agency Managed
- This method is the least flexible
- You can only choose from NDIS Registered Providers
- You will need to seek approval from the NDIA for all purchases
3. Plan Managed
The third option is to have a registered Plan Management provider act on your behalf to manage your funding, pay bills and manage the invoices. Think of a Plan Manager as a middleman between you and the NDIS with all the insider knowledge working on your behalf. You have similar freedoms of choice that come with being self-managed but with experienced industry experts to lean on.
Advantages of being Plan Managed
- Your registered Plan Managers will manage payment and paperwork for all of your Providers
- A choice of using registered and non-registered providers
- Experienced professionals to help you manage your budget
- Help and support navigating the NDIS
- Plan management is funded by the NDIS and has its own budget separate from other NDIS services so it comes at no extra cost
- Having someone else manage the bills and paperwork means less hassle for you and more time to do the things you enjoy
Disadvantages of being Plan Managed
- Not really any!
- Finding the right fit is important for any participant, so make sure you feel comfortable with who you choose
How to choose a Plan Manager
If you like the sound of using a Plan Manager, the next question is, how do I choose one? There are a large number of plan management providers out there but here are some points to keep in mind when choosing the right plan manager for you that are values we think are important at Your Plan Manager.
The first thing is you need to trust the people managing your funds. After all, these are the people who will help you on your journey to living a better life.
- The first thing is they need to be a registered NDIS provider. Only registered providers are able to make claims on your behalf through the Myplace portal
- A good plan manager should be impartial and not only recommend the support services that they provide
- A plan manager should be transparent – My Plan Manager uses a Dashboard to allow our participants to keep track of how their funds are being managed
The Plan Manager you choose is going to help guide you through every step in navigating the NDIS. You will want someone who can not only manage the paperwork and invoices, but someone to offer you advice and recommendations on how to get the most out of your funding.
Plan Management isn’t just another job for us here at Your Plan Manager. Our company founder, Tanya Walford, has four children, including three with disabilities. She understands the complexities and positive outcomes that the NDIS brings to families, carers and participants.
Tanya has instilled the values from her lived experience and unique understanding of the NDIS through our company to create a passionate team that is client-focused and provides as little or as much support as you need. We don’t say no. Instead, we ask how can we help achieve your goals.
What Next?
If you’ve enjoyed learning more about NDIS plan management you might find our FAQ page useful. Alternatively, if you are thinking about signing up for Plan Management or have any other questions, don’t hesitate to contact our friendly staff.
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