Our Dashboard

Get real-time access to the latest information about your plans and claims with our automated monthly statements and client portal. You can easily grant access to your family, support coordinators, and representatives with just one click, so everyone stays informed.

With all the information you need at your fingertips, you can track your claims and make informed decisions about your plans and budget.

Budget Tracker

🗸 Customizable Interface

🗸 Overview of NDIS Invoices

🗸 Real-time Monitoring and Tracking

🗸 Review and Approve Invoices

🗸 Secure Record-Keeping

🗸 Downloadable Invoices and Records

Do you offer portal demos?

Our Dashboard Manual covers each section of the MYP Dashboard. From logging in for the first time, to the different categories available for you to view.  It includes screenshots, how to’s and helpful tips to set you up for success.

Do you have a budgeting tool?

No, we do not have a budgeting tool available to participants yet. However, we are working on improving our dashboard and website to include this in the future.  

Can I run my own budget reports?

No, we do not have the functionality for participants to run their own reports yet. However, a monthly budget report will be emailed to you. 

Can I view the original invoices in your portal?

Yes, we upload the original invoice sent to us from the Provider for you to view.

Can I track the status of an invoice?

At this stage we only have an alert set up when an invoice is initially uploaded. 

Can I see how much funding I've spent?

Yes, we list every invoice on your monthly report. If required, you can request Your Plan Manager book funding for particular providers. You can view the amount spent and remaining.

Can I see how much I've spent on different Categories?

Yes, our monthly report will show how much you’ve spent per category.

Can my Support Coordinator access your Portal

Yes, we can give your Support Coordinator access to your dashboard to review your budget, invoices and to track spending. They will also receive a copy of your monthly statement.

How soon after receiving an invoice, would I be able to see it in your portal?

All invoices are processed within 2-5 business days. As soon as an invoice has been uploaded into our system (MYP) you will automatically receive an email informing you.

What's your invoice approval process?

We offer a few different approval process options. 

  • You can request to manually approve all invoices in which case you will receive an email notification to view & approve the invoice via our MYP Dashboard. 
  • You can request for us to apply a blanket approval to all invoices.NOTE: If you select option 2, but there is a particular provider you would like to review and approve invoices for, we can arrange this through adding an alert to your account. 

Monthly Budget Reports

🗸 Breakdown of your NDIS Funds

🗸 Review Spending

🗸 Review Support Categories

🗸 Track Overspending

🗸 Track Underspending

Dashboard Manual

Want to learn more about our Dashboard? Download our Dashboard manual for further insights into:

🗸 Getting Started

🗸 Understanding your Plan Budget

🗸 Spending vs Budget Graphs

🗸 Invoices Awaiting Approval

🗸 Documents

🗸 Schedule of Changes

🗸 Expired Engagements

🗸 Schedule of Supports

🗸 Payment Lifecycle

🗸 Password Reset


NDIS Support Services Designed Just For You

When you signup with Your Plan Manager, you receive access to a team of dedicated and skilled experts,
ready to support you.

We Are Approved NDIS Plan Managers