
Running out of Capacity Building Funds is a common challenge for NDIS participants. This article emphasizes the importance of proactive monitoring and communication with your Plan Manager to effectively manage your funding. By reviewing services regularly, scheduling funding review meetings, and gathering necessary documentation, participants can ensure they have adequate support. Staying vigilant and informed about your budget status will help optimize funding allocation and prevent funding shortages.

Are you currently running out of Capacity Building Funds? If so, you’re not alone. Many NDIS Participants face this situation from time to time. However, by staying proactive and regularly monitoring your funding, you can better manage and address this issue. In this blog post, we’ll explore how you can track your budget effectively alongside the role of your Plan Manager and take necessary steps to ensure you have adequate capacity building funding.

How Plan Managers Track Your Budget

One of the key resources you have at your disposal is your Plan Manager. Your Plan Manager should be aware of your budget status and should proactively flag any potential concerns regarding your capacity building funds. Maintaining open communication with your Plan Manager is crucial to staying informed about your NDIS funding.

Your Plan Manager should be providing you with monthly budget reports which outline your NDIS funding status and alert you when you’re approaching a low balance. To find out more about the role of a Plan Manager, you can read our blog: What is NDIS Plan Management and a Plan Manager’s Role?

What Can You Do to Track Your Capacity Building Funds?

To effectively manage your capacity building funds, it’s essential to review your services regularly. By monitoring your expenses and checking provider invoices often, you can quickly identify any discrepancies or overspending. This can be done by reviewing your Plan Management Dashboard or monthly budget statement.

What Can Be the Cause of Over Spending?

Overspending on your allocated sessions can lead to a depletion of your capacity building funds. For example, let’s consider a case study involving John Smith. John’s plan states that he is allowed one (1) hour of physiotherapy per week. However, John’s actual requirement at the moment sees John attending the physiotherapist two (2) times a week. Meaning that John’s requirement will double compared to what has been allocated in his plan.

In this scenario, John should seek a review or a “Change of Circumstance” with the NDIS to ensure that his plan reflects the appropriate amount of funding required for his needs. To do this, John will need to work closely with his LAC, Support Coordinator, or Planner to gather the necessary documentation and evidence to increase his funding allocation

The Takeaway

To effectively manage capacity building funds and avoid running out, it’s important to:

  1. Review Services Regularly: By frequently reviewing your services, you can identify any discrepancies or potential overspending alongside your Plan Manager
  2. Schedule Meetings to Review Funding: If you notice that your capacity building funds are running low, schedule a meeting with your Support Coordinator, NDIS Planner, or LAC to discuss your situation and explore potential solutions.
  3. Collate Reports and Evidence: When seeking a review or change of circumstance, it’s essential to gather all relevant reports and evidence to support your case. Your Support Coordinator or LAC can guide you through this process.

The NDIS Budget Calculator is a great resource that can assist NDIS Participants with monitoring their funding allocation.